Sunday, April 23, 2006

The rest of a Sunday

I left the big screen after watching the elite runners finish their race, and rode my bike in a few random directions before deciding to head over to Sale. I had difficulty getting onto the canal anywhere around Old Trafford, and ended up only cycling the last half mile on the towpath! After some biking round the town, the canal-side King's Ransom pub was too tempting to avoid an al fresco pint and a read of the paper.

My journey home was almost completely by canal, bar the last mile or so from Salford Quays /Pomona. Had a quick microwave meal for lunch and then headed back out on the bike to Andy's. We enjoyed some nice weather for a run, and managed over 10km in around 55 minutes, a reasonable attempt considering I'd done some cycling. Andy cooked a pizza, which we quickly ate before leaving. Andy went to his parents and I headed to The Ox for the pub quiz.

Phil and Neil joined our usual threesome with Paul and Gareth in the pub for the first few rounds (of questions). When the quiz finally started (it seems to be dragged out since the Sunday opening hours increased, and then Quizmaster Flash lost the questions..) we seemed to be doing okay. But as is usually the case, everyone else seemed to find them easier too, and we were pipped at the post! We did get the bonus question correct, but so did a few other teams, and the growing jackpot (£200+) rolls over to next Sunday. We'll be back next with with extra team-members for ammunition! We're also eating from early evening in The Ox next Sunday when Naima, Stephen and Stephen are visiting. With it being an early start, I hope I'm still compus mentus for the hard brain work later on...


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