Friday, May 19, 2006

Living in the past

Well, this thing hasn't been updated for a bit. Part of the reason is that I was updating weeks ago, but time is travelling faster than I can manage to keep up with updating. My idea of a comprehensive day-by-day account will have to fall by the wayside and I'll just update "live" when I get the chance.

Since the last update, I've done a bit more practicing of running. Last Wednesday's was fun in the pouring rain! It was a city run, along the streets and canal. Just the type of run I like and I was impressed by the route, although I haven't measured it yet. The real Manchester 10k takes place on Sunday. I'm just about ready for it. Haven't drunk for a week, apart from having my Pepsi Max dashed with Smirnoff on Wednesday evening, and feel great for that. I might have to make not drinking in the week a regular thing.

We've won jackpots at the quiz twice in the past month. Clever us :)

Big Brother has come back to TV. I think everyone agrees that it is not a representative section of society.. a house full of freaks, worse than the normal offerings. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, it's all done in the name of entertainment.

The Eurovision Song Contest final is also on tomorrow. We're going over to Paul's to enjoy that on the big screen with pizza, nibbles and fruit juices.

Work has been busy, and so has course and coursework. Approaching the end of Semester, so everything is due in. I'm as last-minute as usual, but I've got everything in for one module and the rest due along with a presentation for the end of next week. Should manage it. It's not as if the work is difficult, just extremely boring..

As a result of all this hard work, I'm very tired and going to go to bed now. I'll try and write something more or post some pictures soon :)


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